Comics: Assignment on Corona Virus from Different Subjects
I remembered secondary school because If school start fiaaam Come see Assignment * English teacher: Write an essay on Corona virus *Maths teacher: if COVID is equal to 1 then find the 9 * Biology teacher: Define Corona Virus and state two ways of avoiding it. * Moral Instructions: To the extent of closing down all the churches in the world Corona Virus was real. True Or False? * Social Studies: According to NTA "National Television Authority" Corona virus originated from__________ * Chemistry teacher: State all your body reactions during the lockdown. * Agric teacher: How did you manage to eat during the lockdown against spread of Corona Virus? * Physics teacher: If Corona virus existed in 2020 then why did they describe it as COVID-19 instead of COVID-20? *Fine art teacher : draw corona virus in your drawing book *Music teacher : describe how people composed music using corona virus and what t...